Natural wood door manufacturer
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Upholstery batting

Skirting boards

Additionally, we offer you a wide selection of skirting boards – a perfect solution for those who will order our internal doors as skirting boards can be of the same colour as doors.

Skirting boards vary in their shapes, sizes, materials, and colours. Skirting boards are made of both selected coniferous wood and MDF; standard versions include natural veneers: oak, beech or ash. To a special customer's order, we offer also exotic veneered skirting boards, optionally, made entirely of hardwood. In order to meet international standards of decor, our company has significantly extended a spectrum of available colours offering the possibility to paint skirting boards using the same colour as the one used on the doors. The spectrum of colours available for oak doors is valid also in the case of skirting boards. To learn more, please visit our sub-site “Internal doors”, double-click on a selected picture and in the top right corner you will see a spectrum of colours. For customers with higher expectations, we recommend the option "see more", which enables you to see the whole available spectrum of colours.

Due to their small cross-section and trims, skirting boards are extremely flexible and they adjust to all wall and floor irregularities. Skirting boards are available in the following length ranges: from 220 cm to 270 cm.

Our skirting boards are of highest quality. A long-lasting effect is achieved by using cutting-edge technologies and a careful selection of materials. Skirting boards are perfect to be used in private houses and multi-family constructions for panelled or mosaic flooring providing a perfect finishing touch to the flooring in the whole flat. Due to their relatively low price and aesthetic values, they enjoy great popularity.

Quadrant moulding

Skirting board 38

Skirting board 50

Skirting board 60

Skirting board 65 i 69

Skirting board 70

Skirting board 80

Skirting board 60-20 i 100

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